Dear Brigade, Just a few items - fyi: * I'll be out of the office Thur-Sun because I'm attending Pat's conference in Gettysburg: Causes & Consequences of the Civil War. ( ) If you were unable to attend this event, stand by because I've heard that there may be another conference in the planning stages on the topic of Immigration. * Many of you have requested more details on how to get Pat's columns published in your hometown newspapers. For syndication rights to Patrick J. Buchanan columns, ask your paper to contact: Creators Syndicate 5777 W Century Blvd, Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90045 You might tell the editors of your local papers that you read the columns on WorldNetDaily, and wonder why you can't get it in your own newspaper. * Reminder that I occasionally send out reader comments to the Brigade list. If you do not want your name/email included let me know. Since working on the How to Buy American site I have a backlog of mail - I'm still going through all your comments on the American shoe industry! That's it for now. See you on Monday. FTC-Linda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T H E I N T E R N E T B R I G A D E Linda Muller - WebMaster 47671 Whirlpool Square, Potomac Falls, Virginia 20165 Email: Web: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T H E B R I G A D E E M A I L L I S T To Subscribe/Unsubscribe send an email with: SUBSCRIBE BRIGADE - or - UNSUBSCRIBE BRIGADE in your message to: MAJORDOMO@BUCHANAN.ORG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~