brigade-l Tuesday, October 17 2000 Volume 01 : Number 111 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:57:21 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] On the Threshold - Watch South Carolina! Date sent: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:43:37 +0000 From: Charleston Voice To: Charleston Voice Subject: On the Threshold WATCH SOUTH CAROLINA! Something very peculiar and revolutionary could happen in South Carolina to upset the Tweedledee/Tweedledum two-party political system...... South Carolina could be the first state in the union to select a third party candidate for President of the United States. Not so? Since when in your political lifetime, have you ever had TWO legitimate Conservatives running for President? Wouldn't it be great to see a debate of the basics between Howard Phillips and Pat Buchanan? Even Harry Browne is worth consideration. We don't hold much confidence in the Reform or Libertarian parties' platforms, but the presidential candidates appear to be authentic conservatives - Outsiders, if you will. Isn't it true that the Republicans are already counting SC as in their pocket? They don't need to come any closer to your views - - they have your vote without any concessions to conservatism. South Carolina is a done-deal. Maybe so, but having a legitimate choice of Conservatives IS the time to make a statement to the GOP: "Get it Right, or Get Lost!" Look at Pat Buchanan's ranking now on the Netscape poll: Now, that is a nationwide poll. Friends, we know SC and other southern states, being more conservative than the country as a whole, will have a much higher percentage of Buchanan popularity. If you cast a vote for Bush you are guilty of the same pragmatism that you so often accuse an incumbent: COMPROMISE. Vote your principles, and let the votes fall where they may. Haven't you had enough betrayals already? Furthermore, without support from baseline conservatives, future patriots will have little encouragement to seek public office. You've asked for it - and now that they're there, the rest is up to you. Conservative Republicans in New York were suckered in a gubernatorial election, being told voting for a third party Conservative was a vote for Democrat Mario Cuomo, and that they should support the GOP nominee, George Pataki. What did they get? A governor who promptly pulled down the Georgia state flag! Don't you go blaming Yankees for our ills if you're cast from the same mold. Make a statement? - YOU BET! You wanna see Republican heads spin - let them see Bush lose South Carolina to Gore by the percentage of votes that go to the Conservative third parties. Better yet, imagine the beetle juice spewing if Buchanan carried SC! Mercy me - hey, it's possible, but only if you carry out your responsibility of citizenship by voting your principles. South Carolina IS the cutting edge of Constitutional restoration. While the 'first to secede' over states rights abandonment, shouldn't SC be the first state to carry our Constitutional commitments to the rest of the nation? Steady boys, and stop the whining. - ------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 22:03:50 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Bush Signs Might be Gold Mines! Dear Brigade, Char has a GREAT idea. See below and email her for a copy of the Life flyer -- it's excellent! [I can't send it to the Brigade list because majordomo does not accept any attachments] I would also suggest leaving a note asking people to contact you to replace their Bush sign for Buchanan's -- the REAL prolife candidate! FTC-Linda - ------- From: "Charlene Truszkowski" Subject: BUSH SIGNS MIGHT BE GOLD MINES! Date sent: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 21:58:38 -0500 Hi Everyone, Don't give up on those folks who are sporting Bush signs in their front yards. They are just calling out to us to rescue them. Yesterday, when I was delivering some Buchanan signs, a fellow, whom I know, yelled at me from across the street. "Hey, Char, I'd vote for Buchanan in a minute if I thought he had a chance to win!" Now, this man had a Bush sign in his yard and I replied back to him, "Frank, what are you voting for?" He said, "I am voting for LIFE!" I of course answered, "Bush is not pro-life, Frank." I went over to him and handed him the Buchanan Life flyers which I happened to have with me and told him he needed to read them. I know he will because Frank is a very good and decent person who has just been misled by the fact that Bush claims to be pro-life and by the Right to Life organizations which have endorsed him. As we drove home we went by at least 75 to 100 Bush signs and I began to wonder how many of those folks were beign misled by the same faulty impression. Bingo!!! The light went on! I am willing to bet that most of the people who display those Bush signs are staunch pro-life supporters who just haven't been given the truth yet. Now it is up to us to provide them with the information. I have sent two attachments with this e-mail to take to your local copy shops. They are both 2 sided documents. Just print them out as is and tell you copy shop you want them two- sided. All you need to do is to go and hang them on every persons doorknob that has a Bush sign in their front yard. You can be sure it will cause quite a stir among those good and decent people who, when they learn the truth will be very upset. It will certainly change some minds and we will gain voters whose allegiance is with the true pro-life stance. If you would like to order plastic doorknob bags to put your flyers in they are available through Associated Bag Company. You must order them in lots of 2,000. Call 1-800-926-6100 Ask for item # 50-2-02 These bags measure 6&1/2" x 12" The cost per 1,000 bags is $11.40 So if you order 2,000 bags it comes to a total of $22.80. If you order 6,000 or more bags the cost per 1,000 is even lower. The company will get your bags to you in just a couple of days. To see their website go to NOW GET TO WORK WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT!!! P.S. Please forward this to every Buchanan supporter in your e-mail box. If there is anyone who cannot open the attached documents please send them copies in the mail. God Bless, & WIN PAT WIN!!! Char Truszkowski Grand Rapids MI Regional Chairman Buchanan - Foster Reform 2000 - ----------- end ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 11:30:38 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Buchanan Talks to the Green Bay Press-Gazette Tuesday, October 17, 2000 Buchanan: Attack on Cole is act of war By Steven Bruss Green Bay Press-Gazette The United States should respond to the attack on the USS Cole as it would an act of war, Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan said Monday. "We should run down the organizations and the sponsors, and we should make them pay a hellish price for the massacre of our sailors," said Buchanan during a wide-ranging, half-hour interview with the Green Bay Press-Gazette. Buchanan, a former member of the Republican Party and an adviser to presidents Nixon and Reagan, is running well behind the major-party candidates. Here is an edited text of his interview: Q. Why did you choose to join the reform party? A. The Republican Party at the national level has ceased to be my party. This divorce began around the end of the Cold War when President (George) Bush declared it to be a New World- order party and began intervening all over the world. While he and I were allies and friends during the Cold War, I just felt that once the Cold War was over the United States should return to a more traditional non-intervention foreign policy. Clearly the Republican Party is not that now. It (the GOP) is a global free-trade party, and I believe in economic patriotism -- putting the interest of American workers and their families and our economic independence first. They will not even discuss the immigration issue anymore, which I think is a very acute national issue. We have to have immigration reduced to 250,000 or 300,000 a year, legal immigrants, which is still very generous; emphasize the English language and start trying to pull this country back together; and we've got to get control of our southern border. So those are three great issues that I simply disagree with the Republican Party, which has moved off, I think frankly, and embraced really a Clintonite position. Q. How would you handle the attack on the USS Cole and the recent flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence? A. With the Cole, you lost a young man here in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and he had two weeks left to serve in a six-year stint, which was a tragedy . But he also was a victim of an act of war, and the United States should respond to the act of war against the Cole with its own act of war against those who did it. On the Middle East, the United States has a vital interest in preventing a war between Israel and the Palestinians because that would line Israel up against the entire Arab world. And if the United States is perceived as tilting wholly toward Israel, our interests in the Middle East would suffer dramatically. So we have to first prevent the war. Secondly, that requires a truce. And third, (we should) try to get some kind of negotiation back on track. But I have no illusions that's going to be easy after all this bloodshed and slaughter. Frankly, I think we need a more even-handed policy in the Middle East. The United States cannot be seen in the struggle between the Palestinians and Israelis over Palestinian statehood ... as a reflexive and uncritical and knee-jerk supporter of every single thing the Israelis do. We need a president who not only has the courage to condemn atrocities against the Israelis, but a president who has the courage to condemn the Israelis when they perpetrate outrages or stupidities. Q. How should the U.S. military be used? A. The Cold War is over. Bring the troops home from Europe, from Korea, from Japan, and rebuild and rearm and re-equip the American military here in the United States so that we can provide the strategic reserve of Western civilization and defend all of America's vital interests. One of the reasons the United States is the greatest nation on Earth is because unlike the rest of the great nations that entered the 20th century with us -- the British empire, the French, the German, the Austrian, the Ottoman empire, the Japanese and Russian empire -- we stayed out of all the great wars until their relatively conclusive phase. Q. You talk about promoting the English language. In Green Bay we have a significant Hispanic population that doesn't speak English. A. If they're here legally and they're citizens of this country, you don't coerce them, but I would emphasize at the state and local level to build education in the English language, and I would make sure that children right up there in kindergarten, first grade are dropped right into English so these kids can experience the great opportunities that are here in American society and that are closed off to people who don't know English. If you don't know English you're horribly restricted and confined in American society. So it is imperative that these kids be able in their younger years to understand and speak English because then ... America's world opens up to them. Q. Another big concern here is the affordability of prescription drugs. Do have a plan to address that? A. My view is first you make Medicare solvent and then we look at prescription drugs. Make sure the promises of Medicare to the older generation, the generation about to retire, are kept. Q. What is your plan to make Medicare solvent? A. The only answer on Social Security and Medicare must be bipartisan and anyone that tells you it's not going to be bipartisan is not telling you the truth. No single party is going to take responsibility for asking for sacrifices of any kind, and solvency is going to require some sacrifices. Q. Describe your tax plan. A. Very simple. I would take the $2 trillion in the surplus that is not Social Security or Medicare, I would add to that $1 trillion, which you can get from a 10 percent revenue tariff -- that's on imports coming into the United States. I would eliminate all taxes on small business with that $3 trillion. I would eliminate inheritance taxes, death taxes on the middle class, family farms and small businesses. I would produce three tax rates, a lowest rate of 10 percent, a second rate of 20 percent and a third rate of 30 percent, which would give us the lowest tax rates on earth, and I would exclude half of all capital gains from taxation. That would give us the most dramatic, dynamic, simplest, lowest tax rates in the Western industrial world, and foreign companies would start relocating factories here to get inside that small tariff, and U.S. companies would think twice before moving their mills and factories and plants abroad. Q. Earlier this year you said that Bush has been soft on the approval of RU-486. A. George (W.) Bush has gone into the tank on life. He will not outlaw RU-486, which you can do legislatively. He will not commit to appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court. He won't talk about life, and his record on life is unconvincing. I would appoint only pro-life justices, only justices whom I knew in my heart or believed in my heart would overturn that abomination called Roe v. Wade, and George Bush won't say that. - ---------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 11:55:17 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Students Applaud PJB's, "Lock and load!" Dear Brigade, "Can you imagine what the founding fathers would have said if they'd seen these people talking about setting up a global government?" he exclaimed. "Lock and load!" ... The line drew the biggest applause of the hourlong question-and-answer forum...." Darn right they applauded. American students have not been totally brainwashed by the "sandal-and-beads" education crowd! GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!! Linda - ----------- Reform Party presidential candidate criticizes U.S. foreign policy By STEVE SCHULTZE Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Oct. 16, 2000 Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan brought his America-first message to Milwaukee on Monday, suggesting that the United States should rethink its commitment to Israel in the Middle East conflict. Comparing the Palestinian side in the recent fighting to Americans in Revolutionary War times, Buchanan said American support for Israelis may be a moot issue. If the conflict continues, Buchanan predicted, Israel with its superior military will wind up crushing the Palestinians. If Americans had been shot in the numbers that Palestinians have been wounded by Israelis, "we'd be calling for nuclear weapons; we'd be enraged," Buchanan said. He laid blame for the current crisis on Ariel Sharon, the Israeli politician whose visit to a site considered holy by Muslims and Jews provoked "rock-throwing" by Palestinians and gunfire by Israelis. He counseled a new course of action by the U.S., away from its strong support for Israel. "The alternative is to get out of there," Buchanan said. He said the U.S. should try to help resolve the crisis but warned that the U.S. ultimately couldn't stop the Palestinians from waging a bloody war. "If Palestine wants to fight and die and unite the Arab states around them, we cannot stop them," Buchanan said. "It's not vital to American's security whose flag flies over Jerusalem or the Golan Heights." The 61-year-old political commentator and three-time presidential candidate spoke almost exclusively about foreign affairs to a crowd of about 200 at Marquette University. The message was one of unabashed American nationalism. He derided what he called the spreading gospel of the "New World Order," the idea that nations are becoming less important and everyone is a world citizen. He said the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are all proponents of a form of globalism that he thinks is not in the United States' interest. "I'm an economic nationalist," he said. The U.S. should demand parity from its trading partners or else put up barriers to trading, he said, singling out China. He had harsh criticism for Third World proponents of erasing global economic boundaries, calling Fidel Castro and others "globo-trash." "Can you imagine what the founding fathers would have said if they'd seen these people talking about setting up a global government?" he exclaimed. "Lock and load!" The line drew the biggest applause of the hourlong question- and-answer forum. The U.S., he suggested, has bumbled its foreign affairs badly in recent years. The U.S. should have stayed out of the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, he said. The U.S. rationale for bombing Bosnia was to end ethnic cleansing by Bosnians, but the number of deaths fell far short of the "genocide" the Clinton administration said needed checking, Buchanan said. He also warned against U.S. involvement in other trouble spots - - East Timor and the China-Taiwan conflict, for example - and said it was time for the U.S. to pull its NATO troops from Europe. He said he bolted from the Republican Party because it strayed too far from its conservative roots. He listed Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater as political heroes. Richard Nixon, for whom Buchanan worked as a speechwriter, also was singled out several times for praise. On other topics, Buchanan: Strongly backed outlawing abortion and said that would probably have to come about through appointment of anti- abortion justices to the Supreme Court. "I am strongly pro-life and for the rights of the unborn," he said. Blasted the commission that excluded him and Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader from the presidential debates. In an interview before his forum, Buchanan said that decision cost him the election. Declined to give his preference between the major-party candidates, Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore. Dan Guenzel, a heating and air-conditioning salesman attending the forum, said he planned to vote for Buchanan, especially for his stands against abortion and for bringing American troops home. - ------ end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 21:32:04 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] ELA Praises Buchanan Ad National English Advocacy Organization Says Buchanan TV Ad Raises Important Issue That Other Candidates Should Address October 11, 2000 WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- The director of English Language Advocates (ELA), a national organization that promotes the need for official English and the preservation of English as the common language of the country, said that a Buchanan for President TV ad raises a fundamental issue of growing concern to millions of Americans. He called on the other presidential candidates to clarify their stand on the need to preserve English's role as our common language. The Buchanan campaign has been criticized for a TV ad it is running that shows a man choking to death on a meatball while he vainly waits for an emergency 911 operator who speaks English. "Although the Buchanan ad uses humor to make its point, the growing loss of our common language is no joke to millions of ordinary Americans who in many areas are beginning to feel like strangers in their own country," said ELA executive director, K.C. McAlpin. He noted that the TV ad opens with a radio announcement about a fictional executive order saying English is no longer America's national language. "Unfortunately, the truth is far worse than the Buchanan ad because on August 11, President Clinton signed Executive Order 13166, which mandates that every federally-funded government agency in the country become a multilingual service provider on demand," McAlpin observed. "A government-imposed policy of official multilingualism has never been endorsed or supported by the American people," McAlpin said. He noted that the California Medical Association is already up in arms over the order because it will force many doctors and hospitals there to stop seeing publicly funded patients. "The problems that are surfacing with the delivery of health care in California under Executive Order 13166, illustrate how poorly thought out the order was, and how the little regard the interests pushing multiculturalism have for the people they claim they are trying to help," he added. McAlpin urged Vice President Gore, Governor Bush, Ralph Nader, Harry Browne, Howard Phillips, and all other candidates for president to make clear whether or not they would rescind Executive Order 13166 if elected, and whether or not the United States should enact a law declaring English the official language of the United States. Contact: K.C. McAlpin of the English Language Advocates, 703-816-8821 - -------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 21:37:51 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] MI - Buchanan Legal Write In From:"Charlene Truszkowski" Subject: BUCHANAN LEGAL WRITE IN Date sent: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 20:18:57 -0500 BUCHANAN LEGAL WRITE IN GREAT NEWS!!! We finally received the word that we can legally write in Pat's name for President here in Michigan and it will be counted. PLEASE WRITE: PATRICK J. BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT Due to the fact that there are various voting methods in Michigan we are unable to give explicit instructions for each precinct separately. If there is any confusion please ask your local poll workers for assistance. Make sure they know that they have to count Pat's name on your ballot! - ------------ Fellow Patriots The Michigan Brigade is as good as they get. If anyone can win with a write in it is these fine folks! Michigan the prayers of your Brothers and Sisters in the Cause from across these United States are with you. Somehow Candice Miller must pay. Her actions are Totalitarian and UN-American and she should face Criminal charges for disenfranchising a Million Americans! There must be some Civil Penalty at the least. I pray that on Election Day there is a "Million Michiganers March" to the Polls! Sounds like a good rallying theme to me! The best revenge would be for Pat to win Michigan and for Mark Forton to be elected US Senator! Then we can start putting all the Criminals in Jail! GoMichiganGo! For the Cause - Independence Forever! RJ Brewer - Montana Chair Buchanan for President PS: Michigan bought more of the Big Montanan's "Buchanan for President" Mini-Billboards than any other State! - -------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 21:57:43 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] MI: Forton vs Abraham Dear Brigade, Please read the two emails below. Fellow Brigader Mark Forton is running against Spencer Abraham -- the chief cheerleader for importing foreign workers, amnesty for illegals, multilanguage laws, etc. -- no wonder the globalist corporations are are stuffing his pockets with their PAC money. Read about Mark's stand on the issues - he's with us all the way. Then send him a check -- or get out there and give him a hand! For the Cause! Linda - ------- From:"Mark & Merry Ervin" Subject: Forton For U.S. Senate REFORM PARTY SENATE CANDIDATE Personal: Married - 34 years, 3 Children, 5 Grandchildren. Employment: Chrysler Corporation - 35 years. Military: United States Army, Military Police: 1966-1968. Education: St. Mary's High School, Mt. Clemens, MI 1965. Macomb Community College: Automotive Technology. Macomb Community College: Associates Degree. Memberships: St. Mary's Church, New Baltimore, MI - 27 years. Life Member, National Rifle Association Member, Gun Owners of America. United Autoworkers Union - 35 years. Political History: Precinct Delegate, Republican Party: 1986-1996 Republican Party, 12 District Board: 1988-1990 Macomb County Republican Executive Board: 1990-1996 Macomb County Republican of the year: 1992 Chairman, Macomb County Republican Executive Board: 1995- 1996 State Co-Chairman, Buchanan for President: 1996, 2000 Chairman, Michigan Republican Assembly: 1997-2000 Vice-Chairman, Michigan Conservative Union: 2000-Present Board Seats: Michigan Republican Assembly: 1997-2000 Christians for a better Michigan: 1996-2000 Michigan Conservative Union: 1999-Present Endorsements: Michigan Conservative Union Michigan Republican Assembly As a United States Senator representing Michigan, Mark Forton will: REFORM OUR NATION'S IMMIGRATION POLICY Left uncorrected, our current immigration levels will DOUBLE America's current population of 270 million - to approximately 500 million by the year 2050. To help assimilate the millions of immigrants who have come to the United States under Spencer Abraham's Globalist, "open border" policy, Mark Forton supports a five-year moratorium on legal immigration. After that, Mark believes legal immigration levels should be reduced to historic levels. When Mark gets to Washington, D .C., he will: a.. Fight to stop "H1B" visas that allow foreign high tech labor into our country at the expense of American workers. b.. Protect the integrity of our borders by voting to strengthen border patrols. c.. Lead the fight to end our country's policy, which grants illegal immigrants' children who are born in the United States the full rights and privileges of U.S. citizenship. d.. Stiffen the penalties against employers who hire illegal immigrants. RESTORE AN AMERICA FIRST FOREIGN POLICY Mark Forton believes America's foreign policy should always put America's vital and security interests first. Republicans and Democrats have committed American Soldiers to defend more than 50 countries around the globe - while supporting an ever more dangerous "open border" policy here at home. It's time to put America's interests first again by reducing our foreign commitments and rebuilding our power. On Capitol Hill, Mark will lead the fight to bring our soldiers home, and pay them a living wage. Mark will also work to restore Congress' constitutional role of deciding when, where and whether our nation goes to war. ELIMINATION OF AMERICAN FOREIGN AID An advocate of an America First Foreign policy, Mark Forton believes that it is time to end our country's massive transfer of American wealth to foreign regimes around the world at the expense of the American worker. As your United States Senator, he will lead the fight to stop the looting of the American treasury by opposing all International Monetary Fund give-a-ways & bailouts and will oppose the misguided internationalist policies of American foreign aid. PROTECT AMERICAN JOBS THROUGH FAIR TRADE A 35 year UAW member, Mark believes our nation's trade laws must protect the jobs of our workers, the standard of living of our families and the SOVEREIGNTY of our nation. Under Clinton/Gore, with Spence Abraham's full support, millions of American jobs have been shipped overseas. Factories are closing, family farms are disappearing, families are being displaced, and our dependence on foreign nations has reached record levels. NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and Most Favored Trade status with Communist Red China, has had a devastating effect on our manufacturing base and our family farms. The United States has become a debtor nation with a 300 billion dollar trade deficit. More families are working for less while the multinational corporations go shopping the world over for cheap labor. Mark has always been a vocal opponent of NAFTA, GATT, the WTO and MFN trade status for Communist Red China, and he will never quit. "I will work to repeal unfair trade deals and intend to be a workhorse for Michigan, not a workhorse for the multinationals". MAKE POLITICAL REFORM A TOP PRIORITY Both Beltway parties are addicted to soft money. Mark believes that only citizens who vote in political campaigns should contribute - not corporations, and not unions. When Mark gets to Washington, D.C., he will vote to end all soft money contributions and place a ban on all foreign lobbyists. Mark believes all congressional perks and pensions should be reviewed and reformed. PROMOTE A PRO-FAMILY, PRO-GROWTH TAX SYSTEM "Mark believes it is time to abolish the current tax system that is robbing families of their wages, and America of her vitality. He will vote to shift to a LOW flat tax, radically downsize the IRS, slash capital gains taxes, and abolish inheritance taxes on family estates, family businesses and family farms. "I absolutely will fight any attempt to allow the United Nations or any international body to tax the American people in any way". DEFEND THE RIGHT TO LIFE Mark believes full legal protection for the right to life of the unborn, the infirmed and the elderly must be reestablished. Mark will vote to outlaw partial birth abortions, confirm only pro- life Supreme Court Justices and be an unapologetic pro-life voice on Capitol Hill. PRESERVE OUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS A Life Member of the National Rifle Association since 1971 and a member of Gun Owners of America, Mark will work to repeal all gun laws that infringe upon our right to "keep and bear arms." The Constitution says that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed. It is pure and simple. Mark will work to repeal any gun law that violates the Constitution and he will oppose all legislation that seeks to limit our 2nd Amendment rights. RESTORING THE EDUCATION SYSTEM THAT MADE OUR NATION GREAT The failure of the Government education system has been a glaring example of bureaucracy at its worst. Mark will work to abolish the federal Department of Education and return all it's funding to state and local control. Mark believes that Education is the responsibility of the states, not the federal government. He will oppose national testing standards, and protect the rights of home schooling parents to educate their children without government controls. PRESERVE ACCESS TO OUR PUBLIC LANDS Mark Forton recognizes that we as Americans must be good stewards of the land which we occupy. However, as did the great President and sportsman Teddy Roosevelt believe, Mark Forton also believes that people can protect America's public lands, while still using and enjoying it. When elected, Mark Forton will oppose such extreme attempts by legislation or Executive Order, which seek to unjustly limit or forbid Americans from enjoying and utilizing our country's National public lands, which he believes is all of our birthright. It's time to send a Senator to Washington who will put our interests first. Michigan; it's time for Mark Forton! Are you are a patriotic American who is concerned about the anti-American advances of Globalism being artificially thrust upon our country? Are you a patriotic American who is alarmed by the onward rush of Internationalism which threaten our country's sovereignty and Constitutional freedoms? You can help make a difference. In order for your beliefs and values to be represented in Washington, D.C., it requires candidates like Mark Forton who possess unswerving determination to fight to protect our nation and our God given freedoms. Candidates running for office to guard and protect your freedom require exhaustive campaigns. Campaigns require money. If all or even some of Mark's beliefs represent your values & concerns, send a donation today. With the direction that Washington, D.C. has been headed in recent years, it will be your freedom of privacy, land rights, firearms and speech that he votes to preserve. It could be YOUR job he votes to save next! You will be investing in your own future as well as that of your children and grandchildren's future. Volunteers needed! We have yard signs, bumper stickers and pamphlets to give away. The Forton campaign also has literature drops, parades and other events planned. For more information, or if you would like to volunteer to help the Forton for Senate Campaign, contact the campaign office at the below numbers. Volunteer and give...Today! Forton for U.S. Senate Reform Party -- Mailing address: P.O. Box 427, Sterling Heights, MI 48311 Street address: 7887 Hahn St. Utica, MI 48317 (888) 248-7132 (810) 997-6107 Mr. Mark A. Ervin Vice Chairman, Communications Reform Party Southeast Michigan Leadership Council Phone: (810) 776-6039 Fax: (810) 776-7502 (call first to turn on) E-mail: Help keep yourself in the loop of communication. If your email address, phone number or residence should change, please send your new contact information to: - ------------- From:"Lou Pagnucco" Subject: Non-Michigan Corporations Bankroll Michigan Republican Senator Date sent: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 21:22:49 -0400 Today's (Oct 16) Wall Street Journal reports the following on p. A3: Microsoft Is Source of 'Soft Money' Funds Behind Ads in Michigan's Senate Race - by John. R Wilkie Microsoft Corp. quietly pumped cash into the hotly contested Michigan Senate race, funding negative ads targeting Republican Spencer Abraham's Democratic challenger. The unregulated "soft money " contributions were funneled through the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, whose name appears on the ads. Microsoft also helped pay for a new wave of ads due to run in the final two weeks of the campaign targeting Debbie Stabenow, the Michigan Democrat running to unseat Sen. Abraham, people familiar with the fund-raising effort said. <...> As chairman of the Senate immigration subcommittee, he recently led the effort to enact legislation granting tens of thousands of new visas for foreign workers <...> Microsoft, Intel Corp., and other big technology firms that benefited from the bill have been strong supporters of Sen. Abraham. In addition to direct contributions to his campaign, most of these companies gave money to groups buying air time for issue ads in support of Sen. Abraham. [End of except] - ----------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of brigade-l V1 #111 ************************